Hello Gang,
I trust everyone is doing well. First of all let me get this out of the way: the 415 project/ concert video and album are still in the works but it seems that a few of the guys are busy doing other projects. “Sucker for a pretty face” is available on my website for $.99. I had a lot of requests to hear the song last year so I thought that I would dust the old record off and share it with you for a while. It won’t be up there to long, so get it while you can. “Destroy All Monsters” and “Pure” are now both available on itunes and the other digital download sites. “Somewhere in the Middle” should be up any day now.
I am going to do a mini tour of Norway in March with this awesome band called Hayseed (I checked them out…I totally dig ‘em). The band contacted me and said that they would learn 18 of my songs and back me up like they have for Joe Lynn Turner as well as other rockers. Why am I taking this big chance? I miss Europe. I love rockin’ out to the masses and it seems painless and a hell of a lot of fun. If it goes good and I don’t freeze to death maybe we can tour the rest of Europe.
I don’t remember if I talked to you about this before but I went to see The Nelsons at the Marin County fair last year and was blown away by their vocals and catchy tunes. They’re also really genuine dudes. So, after the show they asked me if I wanted to participate in a band called Scrap Metal. It was uncanny, they did it together like they were twins…uhm wait a second they are twins...doh! Well it was spooky anyway!! At any rate, 8 months later and a hell of a lot of planning we finally got together and played our first show on Feb.3 at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. The line up consisted of The Nelson brothers (Gunnar & Matthew), Mark Slaughter, Kelly Keagy (drummer/ soul singer from the planet holy sh#t) and yours truly. Dave Marshall (guitar slinger) & Steve Hornbeak (keyboard’s and my new best friend) backed us up with more power. It was really cool being onstage with those guys. I felt like I was in Mr. Big again…sort of. We filmed the whole thing including interviews and backstage antics for the band’s promotional video. Trust me you’ll be seeing this very soon. I performed like a bull in a china shop; I was on fire. I hope they call me back for another show or a mega tour around the world (throw in another tune or two and you’ve got a deal) because I’m ready for a new adventure. Here’s the set list…chalk full of hits kids:
You Can Still Rock In America
More Then Ever
Mad About You
Sing Me Away
After The Rain
Up All Night
Wild World
To be with you
Time Will Tell
Love and Affection
Fly to the Angels
Daddy, Brother
Alive And Kickin
Sister Christian (Eric will sing a verse)
Burring Bridges
Don’t Tell Me You Love Me (Eric will sing a verse)
Thanks to the fans for making the Wooden Music night series a huge success. Every show has been packed and the owners are digging the people. They have offered me more dates if I want (maybe we can take it on the road. Hmmm…were always cooking something up in the Martin Camp). SO WMN II was off the hook; my young apprentice Chris Wilson (who is not a little boy anymore, he’s 20 years old) has got that certain something that record companies should stop and listen to. He is a hip singer/songwriter with more guitar chops than ever before. He looks like a model in a surf/ punk suit but he’s a rebel with a clue. He’s grown up to be an intelligent and independent sweetheart and soon to be king of the hill. I love that kid.
Loralee Christensen can sing the phone book and people would stand up and cheer. She had me at hello. Ok maybe not hello but the song “Will you love me tomorrow” struck something in me to send shivers down my spine. She sang a bunch of great stuff but I was so floored by her rendition of that Carol King hit I was in a hypnotic state. So now every time I see her or talk about her that song is going to come up, no doubt about it. Look I have a huge catalog of tunes but people just seem to want to hear me sing that one song…you know what I’m talking about?
Greg Scott, who the hell does this guy think he is? A star in the making folks. He lit up the stage as soon as he sat down to play his keys and sing his heart & soul out. I could see on the faces of talented singers that I knew like April Grisman, Elena Keating & Allyson Paige all get into this kid. April & I looked at each other and shook our heads as if we saw the ghost of Donny Hathaway. I honestly want to see Greg make it, he has all the right stuff plus his Pop is behind him all the way and that reminds me of the man who put this page together from the beginning (my Pop, Pepper Martin). He believed in me too.
WMN III is shaping up to be so special. I am a huge fan of my former label mate (Atlantic records) and friend Zoë Ellis. I have seen her perform with the infamous Mo’fessionals at sold out standing room only performances in the Bay area and solo concerts at Yoshi’s in Oakland. My wife/drummer Denise played in a group with Zoë called ODOS (One degree of Separation) where I never missed a show. I was so blown away when she sang on a couple of my albums. Nobody sings like Zoë, she’s soulful and unique. I’m so happy to have her on the bill with us.
Lynn Asher and Allyson Paige will finally grace the stage together for an unforgettable performance I’m sure. Blondes have more fun.
Jesse Brewster is no stranger to the stage but he’s still wet behind the ears as far as the rest of us. Now that’s just saying he’s young and hipper than the rest of us...lol. Jesse’s a talented singer/songwriter. I played on the bill with him at the Hotel Utah in San Francisco and I like him and his music a lot…I wanted to get my Spunjunket album signed but I’ll have to wait when I see him on Sunday Feb. 18th.
I just want to say that Y&T were so gracious to the EMB at New Years Eve. I have been on tour with the biggest bands in the world and Y&T rates among the best band I have ever worked with. Oh yeah that show was kickin’!!!!! Check out their music if you haven’t heard it before. They rock, nuff said.
Till we meet again…uhm how about Feb. 18th
This Month’s Press:
Scrap Metal - Mohegan Sun Review
Podcast – interview featuring Eric Martin
Glam Metal – interview featuring Eric Martin
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