Hello Boys & Girls from all over the world,
I have been a busy singer dude lately. On April 12th Mark Holley, John Nymann and I performed at the Saddle Rack club in Fremont benefiting one of radio’s first shock jocks; Dennis Erectus. We played a handful of songs that turned out pretty good for a little acoustic show opening for the big and badass rock band Y&T. I hope & pray Dennis recovers and that his family, friends and fans got a little solice from my music.
On April 13th most of the Bay Area’s finest singers and musicians wowed them at the Sweetwater in Mill Valley, Ca. with a tribute to the fab four. My beautiful friends Monroe & April Grisman called just about everyone in the book to perform electric and acoustic sets to honor the Beatles. Yours truly was asked to sing “Lady Madonna”, “Get back”, “8 days a week” and personal favorite, “Nowhere man”, not to mention participating in this grandiose encore medley of “Let it be”, “Golden Slumbers” (Carry that weight) and “Hey Jude.” The stand out’s were: Allyson Paige performing a killer version of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” that had everybody in the house singing along; Loralee Christensen belting out “ Helter Skelter”(Damn that woman rocks); Amber Morris (and her guitar player extraordinaire husband Tal Morris) killing on “I am the Walrus;” Greg Scott doing an R&B version of “Yesterday” (making the beautiful ballad his own); and the talented Grisman’s Monroe & April starting the night off just right with “With a little help from my friends.” Monroe, Tal Morris, Adam Berkowitz, Denise Martin, Eric Levi, Uriah Duffy, James DePrato and John Mader brought the Beatles back together for a spiritually charged evening. Thanks so much to those who came to the show; let’s all do this again.
Oh I forgot “Scrap Metal” my alter band ego played at the end of March for the Nashville Songwriters Association. I love that band and hell yeah we rocked the house, but man we’ve got to play some more shows around the country. The fans of Mark Slaughter (The voice of a screaming angel), Kelly Keagy (Nightranger’s motorin’ multi purpose music man) and the dynamic duo of our fearless leaders Gunnar & Matthew Nelson demand it…….. It’s good to be demanded.
“Goin’ where the wind blows,” than Pablo, the drummer and Christian break into “The Chain.” Man these songs weren’t even on the list. They were really good too. Anyway after I picked my tongue off the floor we all piled into a cab to head out to another rehearsal space and jam on the 18 song set list that these boys have been learning for a month and a half now. It all turned out better than I expected, I mean I didn’t think that it could get any better than my Norway brothers “Hayseed” but things have a way of working out for me lately. My fingers are crossed after that statement. The gigs in Argentina were fantastic; this club called Acatraz was amazing. It was a converted multiplex theatre with every aspect of entertainment in it. It’s hard to explain but to me it reminded me of this mega club called the Starwood in Hollywood in the late 70’s. It had a disco/restaurant/ two clubs in one except Acatraz had a mini bowling alley in it as well…I shit you not. The band played great and I was a happy camper. The next couple of days Patty scheduled some press and TV interviews. One of those days we went to lunch in the NH hotel with Adrian Barilari (the lead vocalist from the classic heavy metal band Rata Blanca), now I know some Americans don’t know who this man is but most of the Spanish speaking countries of the world are totally hip to this incredible rock singer.
This man is not only an unbelievable talent but also a real down to earth guy. We ate lunch and talked for a long while, I like him a lot. He told me that he was recording one of my songs for a new album, more on that later.
After my short and wonderful stay in Argentina it was off to Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sounds & Jams staff; Attila and Daniel met us at the airport and whisked us away to the hotel…(Ok whisked is not quite right, more like drove 120 miles an hour to the front door). A couple of interviews the next day and an awesome 3-hour record store autograph session (thanks to Animal records for that one but I can still hear Carlos yelling in my ear..lol). Then it was time to rock out at this place called Blackmore…yup, named after heavy metal’s master blaster guitar hero Ritchie Blackmore. It was a dark cavern type concert club with a balcony and one door to come in and go out. Yikes! Anyhow, the gig was a success and the crowd was the best I have seen since playing Brazil in 1994. But you can’t imagine how hot it was in there; I can only describe it as if you were singing in a sauna. Oh my God I almost passed out a couple of times and I could see that the fans were getting a little light headed as well. It was an experience I’ll tell you that. I was so tapped out after singing about 22 songs I think I promised I would buy an air condition unit for the club. Oh my wife’s going to kill me. After the show we crawled up to the dressing room and knocked back some liquid refreshments to revitalize ourselves. Then it became a shmooze fest with all the media and the most famous rock stars of Brazil. Members of Dr. Sin (The band that played with MR.BIG in Sao Paulo 1994), The great Edu Falaschi lead vocalist from ANGRA, Chuck Billy and his band Testament who just happened to be in Brazil the same night I was…. it was great to see those guys. (Alright Chuck I’ll sing on your new record if you and Alex write me a music track ala classic 70’s rock).
There were tons of people coming in and out that night. I’ll be back in South America soon you can count on it.
So the next day, (wait a minute actually 5 in the morning) I split back to the USA. Another long flight and sitting in the middle seat…ugh..Yee-haw it’s the whole rock & roll package. I met some nice ladies on the plane so l

I’m off to Baltimore next week to join forces with my old friend Ricky Byrd (Joan Jett & the Blackhearts) and Jeff Carlissi (38 Special) and John Waite for an all star benefit concert. Upcoming shows: Utah in May, Canada in June, back to Norway for the Color Rock festival with my boys Hayseed in October.
I missed everyone back home very much but its great to be working again. I love my job, I love the people I work with and play for.
I would do anything for you,
This Month’s Press:
Palco Vale
Labels: May 2007
Eric Martin - SHINE
Added April 26, 2007
From claubanza
Concert in Sao Paulo, BRAZIL, April 25th, 2007
Hi E!
What can I say? We'll work with you forever, if you let us!
You are a great person, wonderful musician and we are more than happy to be part of your career.
Keep on rockin'!
We love you.
All the best
Patty, Marcelo, Henrik, Natalia, Pablo, Attila & Daniel. The Sounds & Jams Family
thanks for everything. you are great! really! and thanks for the link to our site (palco vale). we're waiting for you to rock our world again.
Eric!! Your show in São Paulo was the better show off my life!!! Great! Wonderful! HOOOOT!!!! I live in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and I travel with my friend to see you! At first just for see your show, but after know you, see the way that you treat well you fans, how great person do you are, the niceest musician i ever met in my life!!.. now I´m a really big fan!!! Congratulation for the work, Brazil loves you!! You have to sing in a better place next time!!! We have are condition in Brazil!!! =)
I´ll see you and Richie in September!! Next time I´ll try to talk something more than “nice to meet you!!” and hear something more than “sorry!!” before the “bad” security guard close the gallery´s door in my time!! You are very scared in the picture that e take to my friend! Next time we have to smile! See that! Hahaha! http://aiuis.blogspot.com/2007/04/presente-de-aniversrio.html
Sorry for the worse English! Tank you for the BIG artist that YOU are!
heyy yourselff...
so.. paul gilbert's show in july.. richie kotzen with you in semptember.... is almost the MR. BIG back...
you all should think to make just ONE show together.. all of you... one super super show... a mr big's one..
i bet that the crowd will go wild... for certainnn...
the new age with the old one.. together... singing all your songs...
i'm frustraded for knowing that i will never see a mr. big show =/
well.. i can't expect for you in semptember!
kisses and come soon to Brazil!!!
we all cheer for you.. always ;)
Hey Man!
I was in the animal records and I was so nervous too hahaha you're one of my favourites singers! lol
We're waiting you come to brazil in september with richie kotzen!
just can't wait!
kisses! XD
Eric Martin... I've been hiding inside with my little rugrats for a few years, but I'm so happy to find you again. (Big EMB groupie way back when my girlfriend and I used to chalk the year on our license just so we could be 18 and come see you play in Palo Alto (dang if I can remember the name of that place)! Sandy let us backstage to see you one year and our hearts changed forever. I still have the "EMB" pin you gave me! Can't believe you are not as big as the Beatles by now! Hope to see you around the Bay Area soon. xoxo, missy
PS - got a lot of old photos of you and the boys of EMB... can I send them to you? Do you want 'em? They crack me up!
Hi!!! It's probably really lame that I've just found out who you really are and who Mr Big were...I mean, all this time I've been listening to "To Be With You" and Mr Big's cover on "Wild World"...I didn't realise that you're a LEGEND!! That Mr Big was the best band in the world!
But the song that really got me hooked was "Shine"...and that was from the anime, "Hellsing" I watched in 2005...
So I did my research (while listening to Mr Big's songs)...and found out that you guys had broken up! :(
There's probably almost no chance of me catching a Mr Big concert anytime soon so I really hope to be able to go to one of yours soon! Hopefully next year...(Sadly I live pretty far away and am still under my parents' watch.. :P)
Mas Dino from Brunei Darussalam :)
You're coming to Australia!! I'm SO excited, cannot wait to fnally see you live. (Please play Kisses Stain, Love Me & Fly - the heavy version... what can I say, I've been waiting a long time!)
Thanks so much, big love :)
Hello! Always I was a hardened trasher until i listen to your music, I want to thank you for opening new horizons me and to make me happy with your voice, my 6-year-old daughter loves you.
You have a fans' legion in Spain,When you are going to come? (Please!!!) a lot of luck, you deserve it.
Sua voz é perfeita!!!!
E você é maravilhoso!!!
Eric - my name is Frank Ryan and I was one of the Art Directors at the Record Factory in SF. My pal Sandy Einstein got me to design and print up the posters for your first show at the Waldorf as 415 - big cool times. But here's the rub - Jacky Flatt or Brynne as he is known - the bass player for Kid Courage then and a huge fan of yours - though he was so New York he probably never let on 0 "That kid is great - he has star written all over him...now if only he'd play the tune the way I want him to..." Anyway Jacky's wife/girl Anna fo the last 10 years passed away - from a fucking infection of all things - yesterday...and me - the Marketing Director for a Film Production company - could only think of his glorious past and the compassion of fellow musician. Just to be a little stupid - my Dad was an Air Force Colonel in Wiesbaden a couple of mile down the road from Frankfurt where you you used to hang back in the day - so it was particularly poigniant when you and Sandy and your band came to my wedding reception at the California Hall and my older sister - the lawyer came scurrying over to find out how these long haired upstarts were - daring to crash her brothers wedding - a wedding whose band was Stew Blank with Hot Tuna - I might add - I remeber laughing at her and and introducing you a Bona Fida Rock Star whoes mother used to go Officers Wives Club Meetings with our Mom at the IG Farben Officers Club in Frankfurt - with that she mellowed a bit and took one look at the babe you were with in a crochettes (SP) mini skirt and said "Well he can stay but his entourage have to go to the bar".
Any way enough of memories - give Jackie Flatt a ring - ne's devastated.
Now I've got to get a hold Mark Dunwoody and pass - bad pun - on the sorrow.
Gald to see you're still playing - you know what? Jackie was right - you were always too big for Kid Courage.
Maybe I'll see you at BR's bash in the wine country - Lol keeps tryig to get me to go - Frank Ryan - 510-595-3456
heey =)
you'll come back to são paulo! *-*
i didn't go to Blackmore's show.. =\
it was SO cold there, huh?
well.. won't forget to play The Chain, ok? =D
The Chain and Superfantastic \o/
luv ya SO MUCH ♥
i'd do ANYTHING just to see you smile =)
thanks for exist, man.
you're perfect =P
Keep up the good work.
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